

Welcome to our new Website page! As Christian Believers we hope that you find our site enlightening and beneficial to you as we present Biblical truth on various topics of concern to the Body of Christ in today’s time.

We plan to update our site on a monthly basis, usually around the 15th of each month, which will include new materials including, new Commentaries, Articles, and Games/Puzzles. So please be sure to visit each month around that time, and please visit us as much as you’d like.

Under the heading Publications, and then under Showcases, from time to time we plan to introduce and feature (showcase) upcoming, talented individuals, who possess valuable talent/s that can be favorably beneficial to the Body of Christ.

This month we are featuring Ms. Caitlin A. Otis. Caitlin is a young lady, in her twenties, who is in the process of completing her Master’s Degree in Business Marketing (she has earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Production), all while working as a Home Care, Care Provider. We are featuring two instrumental worship arrangements that Caitlin composed and performs, and we hope that you will enjoy them.

Commentary 1


Then I said, I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, and in vain: yet surely my judgement is with the Lord, and my work with my God. (Isaiah 49:4)

With all the suffering and sacrifices that our Lord, Jesus Christ experienced on our behaves to save our souls from eternal death and damnation, it is extremely heartbreaking and angering that nowadays in the church it seems as though many have made up their own rules and scriptures as to what is right or wrong, what is good or evil, what is true or false, and so on. Just imagine Jesus feeling like all that He did for us was in vain especially, considering how we now behave in the church and the world, and how we mistreat each other.

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Vintage Tone Of Christian Music